Bone Grafting for Stable, Long-lasting Smile Restoration
Gone are the days when tooth loss was a permanent issue. Today, when you experience tooth loss for any number of reasons, our team at Acworth Premier Dental Care can restore your teeth and eliminate gaps in your smile. Dental implants are a permanent replacement for lost tooth roots, and provide the foundation for natural-looking dental crowns. However, patients often may need an additional treatment step before dental implant placement. We are proud to offer dental bone grafting, a procedure to augment weakened jaw bone tissues using sterile or synthetic bone cells. Dr. Yen Tran, DMD, has been performing dental bone grafts for years, and can provide this important restorative service conveniently in our Acworth Premier Dental Care office.
If you desire tooth replacement treatment in the Acworth, GA area and have experienced bone density loss, read on to understand how bone grafting can improve your candidacy for dental implant treatment.
Bone grafting may sound scary, but it’s widely considered a minimally invasive procedure. With the latest technology and treatment techniques, Dr. Tran can restore bone loss in the jaw at our Acworth dental practice. Dr. Tran completely numbs the area which allows treatment to be carried out with little or no discomfort for the patient.
Dr. Tran first makes an incision in soft gum tissues in the mouth to reach the bone tissues below. Sterile or synthetic bone material is grafted, or applied, to the weakened area. This material may be donated, sterilized bone tissue or a synthetic bone-like material that supplements your natural bone tissue and encourages existing bone tissue to grow and develop. After placing the graft, Dr. Tran closes the incision with small sutures and the healing process starts.
Once the graft is completed, full recovery requires several months. This is to allow the graft plenty of time to integrate successfully with the jaw bone and create a stable bond before further restorative work is completed.
After healing is complete, Dr. Tran will place the dental implant or implants. Afterwards, additional healing time is needed for a special biological process called osseointegration. This is what happens when bone tissues accept a placed foreign object and develop around it. As a result, the titanium implant forms an extremely tight, durable hold in the jaw bone, just like that of a natural tooth root.
Case studies indicate that after ten years, implants that have been placed after dental bone grafts have a success rate of about 85%. The high success rate of this procedure, combined with Dr. Tran years of experience, means you are in good hands when it comes to restoring bone loss in the Acworth, GA area!